
All species of Bird life in Ireland are protected by The Irish Wildlife Act 1976 and The Irish Wildlife (Amendment) Act 2000. That said, The Minister does permit Pest Management Companies to manage Bird activity for specific species in very limited circumstances and this is reviewed by The Minister on a very regular basis.

For these reasons, when Bird activity causes a nuisance or an interruption to work, it is absolutely vital that a proper evaluation is carried out by competent persons to determine the species and plan a professional program that will provide a compliant solution.

Bird Pressure:

Birds are very resilient and will work hard to overcome proofing systems. If such systems are not fit for purpose, the Birds will succeed. Getting back to nests and eggs is the greatest natural motivation for Birds to breach proofing measures. Complete protection can often be achieved only when access to the Birds’ preferred areas can be denied by suitable bird netting.

Bird Pressure may be Light, Medium or Heavy. Many different systems will succeed for Light and Medium Pressure. Heavy Pressure areas are used by Birds for nesting or roosting at night. They are very important to the Birds as they will have nests, eggs and young. In the case of pigeons, there will also be large collections of feathers and pigeon guano (droppings). Pigeon guano is very toxic and can be harmful to humans in cases where they are working in confined spaces which are heavily soiled. Histoplasmosis is a lung infection that is directly linked to the inhalation of bacteria which live on pigeon guano.

In such cases, anti-bacterial treatments must be carried out prior to the commencement of any cleaning or exclusion works. Also, in such cases, only a well-executed bird netting installation will be successful. In cases where some Birds persist, a cull might be required.


When Bird proofing has been installed professionally and Birds are unable to breach the exclusion systems, they will often be displaced to a nearby site. Surveyors need to be aware of these characteristics and advise the Client accordingly.

Selected Legislation:

  • Safety Health & Welfare at Work Act 2005
  • Irish Wildlife Act 1976 & Amendment Act 2000
  • EU Birds Directive
  • Hygiene of Foodstuffs (EC) 852/2004 and (EC) 854/2004